

Insurance claims are never fun for you or your customer. Long waiting periods for reimbursements and cumbersome visits make things even worse. Agent On-Hand eliminates costly and timely adjuster visits, allowing claims to be completed quickly, making the process less painful for everyone involved.


Uptime and customer experience are crucial in the telecom industry and nothing is more frustrating than using outdated methods to resolve problems. With Agent On-Hand’s visual support tool, organizations can utilize our modern technology to improve equipment uptime and exceed your customer’s expectations.

The cost to send out a technician is significant. Let Agent On-Hand reduce your overall truck rolls by empowering technicians with our video support tool allowing them to solve issues remotely. For instances where a visit is necessary, Agent On-Hand can significantly increase your First Time Fix Rate by identifying the issue beforehand and sending the right technician with the right tools the first time.


The designs of automobiles, airplanes, and trains have become increasingly complex, creating problems that are increasingly difficult for technicians to diagnose and resolve. Agent On-Hand brings teams together to learn from each other, identify problems, and resolve issues that occur in these complex machines.


Healthcare is ripe for digital disruption and Agent On-Hand strives to be one of the driving forces. By enabling health care practitioners to care for patients remotely and by providing visual assistance for medical device applications, healthcare providers can optimize what they do best…saving lives.


The designs of automobiles, airplanes, and trains have become increasingly complex, creating problems that are increasingly difficult for technicians to diagnose and resolve. Agent On-Hand brings teams together to learn from each other, identify problems, and resolve issues that occur in these complex machines.


Healthcare is ripe for digital disruption and Agent On-Hand strives to be one of the driving forces. By enabling health care practitioners to care for patients remotely and by providing visual assistance for medical device applications, healthcare providers can optimize what they do best…saving lives.

Manufacturing & Equipment

Beat the competition by giving your workforce the tools they need to succeed. Agent On-Hand empowers teams by connecting workers with experts so they can seek guidance, training, or assistance when solving the tough challenges faced in manufacturing.

Power & Utilities

Power and Utility organizations require the technologies of today to achieve minimal downtime of essential services. If a technician is unable to bring equipment back up, customers cannot wait for another technician to arrive. Agent On-Hand’s video support tool allows technicians to communicate instantly and visually which improves service, cuts costs and minimizes downtime.

Life Sciences & Medical Devices

Medical devices are costly, and when these life-saving devices don’t work, they are even costlier. Agent On-Hand empowers technicians by connecting them to experts in real-time allowing them to get devices back up during the most critical moments.

Home Repair

Problems in the home can wreak havoc for your customers, and without any visual aid, there is very little to do to ensure your repair person will have the right tools to solve the issue on the first visit. Let Agent On-Hand eliminate the need for an initial inspection and allow you to resolve the issue on your first visit saving you time while making your customers happy.

Life Sciences & Medical Devices

Medical devices are costly, and when these life-saving devices don’t work, they are even costlier. Agent On-Hand empowers technicians by connecting them to experts in real-time allowing them to get devices back up during the most critical moments.

Home Repair

Problems in the home can wreak havoc for your customers, and without any visual aid, there is very little to do to ensure your repair person will have the right tools to solve the issue on the first visit. Let Agent On-Hand eliminate the need for an initial inspection and allow you to resolve the issue on your first visit saving you time while making your customers happy.

Real Estate

Issues with real property are time-consuming and costly and when tenants are involved, property managers can be exposed to extensive business risk and legal liability. Using Agent On-Hand, you can rest assured knowing that you are using the most effective tools to quickly resolve issues and get your building back to operating condition.

Prospective tenants and buyers aren’t always able to physically view a property before signing a lease or purchase agreement. Give your clients the service they deserve by conducting live, virtual showings using Agent On-Hand and allow them to conduct their own inspection from anywhere.


Whether at home or on the road, automobile trouble is a real pain. Save time and money for both you and your customers by using Agent On-Hand to assess the damage and identify possible solutions before bringing the vehicle into the shop.

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